Sunday, 12 October 2014

Craft Café

Volunteering update! I've recently been volunteering in the local Govan area for an organisation called Impact Arts.

Since February I have been running a series of weekly drawing and painting workshops at a local community centre in Govan for a group called ‘Craft Café’ ran in partnership with the Elderpark housing association and Impact Arts. Craft Café is an initiative designed to help facilitate later life learning and tackle social isolation in the elderly. These classes require particular sensitivity as the learner’s age’s range between 65 and 90 years and they all have individual health concerns and requirements. 

See the pictures below:

I was featured a couple of months back in ‘Casting On’ which is a new project co-run by Voluntary Arts Scotland and Volunteer Scotland, funded by Spirit of 2012 Trust, which aims to bring together cultural groups looking for volunteers, who have an energy and enthusiasm for arts volunteering. 

They've just posted the video online feel free to click on the link down below to watch it. My interview segment starts at about two minutes in!

My Interview face.....