The paintings I handed over arent by any means my best but I cant help feeling rather accomplished.............. Fingers crossed my work gets accepted! -The E-mail below fills me with confidence.
"Dear all,
Just to say a big WELL DONE to all of you, I was really delighted yesterday
to find such intriguing and engaging responses to the exhibition theme.
Many of you have clearly put in a lot of thought and a great deal of effort,
and most of you have made an exceptionally professional job of your
presentation/packing/statements etc. As much of the work as possible
is to be included for the show by the selectors.
I hope very much that you have all enjoyed taking part in this opportunity,
I certainly have; with one complaint; that I would like to have had more of
a chance to talk with those of you that I see less often, about your exiting
approaches to the project (though I have really enjoyed the short bursts of
discussion that have taken place!) In any case, I am sure that you will
enjoy seeing your work form part of this interdisciplinary event in this
fascinating non-gallery, working environment.
I hope in fact that it allows you to see new possibilities for the research,
development, placement and experience of your work, in your future
The show runs from the 25th August until the 11th September: you will
receive further details and opening invites when they are complete.
When the show closes, the work will be returned to Gray's,
from where you will be responsible for collecting it. I will be in touch
later with exact details.
Sadly, I will not be able to attend the opening of the show as I need to
be at a family event in Wales that week. I will however be thinking
about you, and promise in fact to raise a glass of wine (or even two) in
Very best wishes, and well done again,
Here's a Picture of the two painting's taken on my phone just before I framed them

Here's the artist statement-
"My work typically critiques the way in which modern art is displayed I usually study found objects which are often of a ‘disposable’ or ‘useless’ nature.
I enjoy investigating the different ways in which things can be labeled. Humor, surrealism, bizarre are all elements that I feel are important to the idiosyncratic nature of my practice.
When looking for inspiration for this exhibition Dr Andrew Hurst kindly took us on a tour of the Geology department in order to gain inspiration.
It was a question asked by a friend - after receiving a large amount of information about the fossils exhibited in the Meston building -
that got me thinking. The question was, “How do you know that’s true?” At first I didn’t think much of this query but it led me to think more
about how much in the modern information age we take for granted simply on the word of others.
To this end my work for this exhibition specifically takes a close look at fossils and their place in popular culture, as well as investigating issues of credibility and trust the viewer may often experience whilst looking objects displayed as having historical, geological, cultural or artist value."
Iv also just taken part In an exhibition at bar "99" (Its just of Union st) witch has been really fun. David McLellan one of the bar managers took a shine to the paintings I put up as a result he got me to put up more after the exhibition was over as a result there's now about 7 of my paintings dotted about the bar!