I recently took part in the Interview Room 11 'Paint Like you Mean It' painting exhibition its first biennial painting prize and exhibition which I was very pleased to take part in. The joint prize winners Mathew Pang (another ex-Grays student) and Edward Hill where announced today -well deserved. I've really enjoyed taking part in this event and was pleasantly surprised by the variety and quality of the other painters some of whom had come from as far as Germany and America. The show is on until the 14th in case anyone wants to check it out.Click HERE to view a video about the event.
Here's some photos of the opening night:
You can just see my painting 'Elegy To Uncertainty' in the left corner of this photo.
That's mine again on the right (next to the winners painting by Edward Hill).
For more information about the event please feel free to visit the official PAINT LIKE YOU MEAN IT, by clicking HERE!
Also a list of the artists involved bellow:
Adam Kelly l Alice Walter l Angela Smith l Beau Rouse l Brian Cheeswright | Christy Yates l Cyrus Shroff l Daniel John l David McDiarmid l Edward Hill | Eilish McCann l Elizabeth Lyne l Enzo Marra l Gonzalo Reyes Araos | Graham Chorlton l Hannah Weatherhead l Henry Finney l Kate Livingstone | Liam Walker l Linn Sundqvist l Louisa Chambers l Marianne Morild | Matthew Pang l Michael Branthwaite l Mijung Koh l Molly Butt l Nishiki Tayui | Playpaint l Roy Immanuel l Russell Leng l Sally Taylor l Sooim Jeong